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About This Web Site

Equipped To Survive is an independent non-profit publication dedicated to providing consumers with the information they need to make informed decisions about selecting and using survival gear and survival techniques. Please note that this is not a "survivalist" site. (Click here for an explanation of what we mean by this statement.)

Equipped To Survive was established in 1994. The nucleus of the site's initial content was a combination of survival equipment reviews and survival techniques articles that Doug Ritter had previously published in a number of magazines and a "Survival Kit" file that included recommendations for survival equipment based on his tests and experience. This was first published online on CompuServe's AVSIG (aviation) forum in 1993. Equipped To Survive has grown to become the largest and most respected resource of its type in the world. All the information on ETS is free, there is no charge. It continues to grow and evolve based upon input from readers, for which we are always grateful.

The primary focus of ETS is on equipment - what is useful, what works, what doesn't. Most survival texts (for that matter, most outdoors texts) are less than specific when it comes to equipment. For example, they will tell you to carry a flint style fire starter, but few discuss which of the myriad of choices are the best. Since you may only get one chance to get it right in a survival situation, it makes sense to have equipment and supplies that will see you through.

Our objective is to provide information so that consumers understand the limitations of survival tools and equipment, wether manufactured or improvised. We offer our informed opinions as to what the best solution is. What you do with that information is up to you, but it will at least be an informed decision.

Much of the initial material included on ETS was based on Doug's research on wilderness and marine survival from an aviation perspective. It is generally equally applicable to any survival circumstance, the primary difference being that pilots are very concerned with weight, and to a lesser degree, volume. A light aircraft has a finite payload available and it is rarely as much as desired. Payload used for survival equipment means less payload for fuel and passengers. Over the years the focus of ETS has broadened to include a wider perspective, now covering Urban, Marine, and Wilderness Survival as well, but the aviation perspective is always included.

As Equipped To Survive has grown, more information on survival skills and techniques has been incorporated. ETS is now the leading resource for information about general aircraft ditching, both technique and equipment. As the marine survival section expands, we anticipate taking the lead in this area as well. Our aim has alwys been to make this site a central reference and link for all manner of survival information about equipment and techniques for survival.

The emphasis here is information. We have a lot of that to deliver. As such, we have eschewed using fancy graphics and bloated code which only slow down the delivery of information. Our readers tell us repeatedly that they appreciate our sacrificing entertainment in order to improve accessibility to the content.

This site is hosted by Pulver Technologies. We sincerly appreciate their generous contribution of server space, bandwidth and assistance, without which none of this would be possible.

Next: A Few Words From The Editor

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Publisher and Editor: Doug Ritter
Email: Doug Ritter
Revision: 015 September 18, 2001
Webserver courtesy of Pulver Technologies
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© 1994, 1995, 1996, 2001 Douglas S. Ritter & Equipped To Survive Foundation, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Check our Copyright Information page for additional information.
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